Providing discipleship, mentoring, accountability, fellowship, and community services resources for men in the local church to help better our communities.

RESOURCES for Men’s Discipleship at the Local Church Level

Wesley Brotherhood offers the largest selection of MEN’S MINISTRY RESOURCES to strengthen all local Churches and thus local communities nationwide. Our website provides ideas, strategies, and programs to support men’s discipleship in the local church throughout the United States. 

In Matthews 4: 19, Jesus said “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Our mission is to help make the men in our local communities into Disciples of Jesus Christ. There is no “one-size-fits-all” method that works in every local Church. We want to help you every step of the way in building a Godly Men’s Ministry.

Are you ready to be “fishers of men” in your local community? Our team is here to consult with you, work with you, and pray with you to ensure success.

Serving Christ with my Brothers,
Michael Maxwell
Wesley Brotherhood President