Sexual Integrity

Covenant Eyes
Pornography is the ultimate villain that isolates you, ruins your relationships, kills your confidence, supports human trafficking, is addiction-forming while fueling shame and hopelessness.
Covenant Eyes is a program that runs on your computer and mobile devices monitoring your internet activity and sending accountability reports to people you choose. Covenant Eyes offers internet filtering software that is great at blocking unwanted websites. Their mission statement is “What people do online impacts their lives offline. Our goal is to equip people with tools that provide protection and encourage accountability and trust in the fight against Internet temptation. We bridge the gap between technology and relationships.”
Wesley Brotherhood strongly believes in this ministry for men and thus their families. Please reach out to them for a live chat at or email them at

PROven Men
ProvenMen has a passion to see men being set free from their sin and passionately pursuing Jesus in a personal relationship with Him. We desire to see this transformation and growth to happen within the walls of the local church!
It’s all about men experiencing the power of the Gospel within their lives and struggles! HOW WE DO IT: Through 1 on 1 Accountability and Small groups in ProvenChurches. Men commit to our 12-week Workbook Study! With interaction through prayer, daily bible reading, and heart-work men begin to hold Christ as supremely treasured in their life while forsaking the desires of the flesh!
All the resources you would need to lead through ProvenMen. Including, our ProvenPath workbook study, and a group leader’s guide, and a 1 on 1 guide! Check out