

Golf is a fun way to bring men together. In Florida, we do not have a shortage of golf courses to choose from! There are so many ways to bring men together in golf fellowship.

Some Churches offer “4:59 Golf” meaning they play 9 holes after 5:00 one day per week. Others play golf early in the morning at a course that offers breakfast which is perfect for a manly devotion and prayer.

For more information, email


Are you looking for something fun to do with the men of your Church? Or host a family event? Or maybe the leadership of your men’s ministry?

TopGolf has a lot to offer across the state of Florida. Anybody at any level can play. All you do is show up. No clubs or golf balls are needed. Every golf ball is micro-chipped, and scoring is kept in a similar way to bowling. TopGolf food is excellent to boot!

WB – Golf TopGolf


Golf tournaments come in all shapes and sizes. Meaning, there is no one size fits all for every possible outing. It may start as 12 golfers or it may start with 120, but the main thing is to have fun!

A golf tournament does not have to be a fundraiser or anything of large magnitude. Great fellowship is very important to make this a nice, fun event that everyone wants to do again next year. Please check out the attached PDF to learn more about hosting a larger golf tournament. For more information, email

WB – Golf Tournament – Detailed Instructions



Cornhole Tournaments are a great thing to mix in with most any men’s dinner including cookouts and outside events.

There are also opportunities to organize and host a fishing tournament for the Church and/or Community. Attached is a very detailed plan on how to host and run a large cornhole tournament.

WB – Website – Cornhole Tournament Gameplan



I think we can safely call Florida the fishing capital of the world, right? I mean we have great freshwater fishing from coast to coast. And on one coast we have the Gulf of Mexico and on the other the Atlantic Ocea. Both excellent to surf fish, fish offshore and deep-sea fishing. There are charters everywhere to go out as groups for part of the day or for the entire day. So take advantage of our unique and plentiful fishing opportunities.

There are also opportunities to organize and host a fishing tournament for the Church and/or Community. More information coming with suggestions how to plan and pull off a great fishing tournament.



“Old Faithful” for a lot of local Church men’s ministry is their Church Softball Team. Local communities typically support slow pitch “Church League Softball”. That gives a greater opportunity to have fellowship and sharing of prayers with other local Churches. Sometimes it creates fun rivalries, too.

Men’s softball teams bring more men into contact with their local Church where they may not be currently active. Countless times men’s ministry leaders started their getting active in the local Church by playing softball. A large part of the roster for most men’s softball teams is typically filled with young men in their 20s and 30s.

For more information, email



Bowling is always a lot of fun and a great sport to have fun with family and friends. These are also great events to have with the entire extended Church family. Traditional bowling alleys have drinks and snacks and caters to parties, celebrations and the like. So why not kick back and see how many strikes you have left in your repertoire? And enjoy some great fellowship with your brothers in Christ.


The majority of Florida has wonderful weather and great sports opportunities to visit and enjoy some great fellowship. With 15+ Minor League Baseball teams, 2 MLB teams, and more college teams throughout the state there is some fun to be had.

For more than a decade men’s ministries have hosted Church Families with large gatherings at the Jacksonville Jumbo Shrimp’s baseball field. We simply brand it as Family Night at the Ballpark. The team arranges for someone that represents our men’s ministry to sing the national anthem, throw out the opening pitch, and even have a special reception area whereas you purchase a ticket that allows unlimited hamburgers, hot dogs, etc. with a large crowd.

We have found the Jacksonville  Jumbo Shrimp to be very accommodating and I believe most other ballparks of Florida would offer some great opportunities there.

For more information, reach out


Are you looking for something really fun that checks all of the boxes for men? Why not take a team of men to a real Bar-B-Que competition, like Jacksonville’s Boss of the Sauce BBQ Festival.

The Competition was sanctioned by the Kansas City Barbeque Society, which is the world’s largest association of its kind. With this designation, the event became the first-ever World Championship Qualifying BBQ Competition to be held in Northeast Florida. The Boss will now host Teams from around the country and celebrate the growing Barbeque culture and all that it encompasses.

World class country music talent, BBQ Chefs, as well as local craft beer and bourbon distillers will be highlighted as part of the festivities.